
Google Scholar Profile; DBLP publication list. For a complete list of publications, please see my CV.


  • Johan van Bemthem and Fenrong Liu: Graph Games and Logic Design, Recent Development and Future Directions, 2024.
  • Fenrong Liu, Jeremy Seligman and Jincheng Zhai, eds., Handbook of Logical Thought in China, Springer and China Social Sciences Press, 2024.


  • Social Epistemic Logic (in Chinese), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2023
  • Reasoning about Preference Dynamics, Synthese Library, Vol. 354, Springer, 2011
  • Dynamic Preference Logic (in Chinese), Science Press, Beijing, 2010
  • Changing for the Better: Preference Dynamics and Agent Diversity, Ph.D dissertation, University Amsterdam, 2008

Edited Collections

  1. Trends in Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2023, with A. Sadanandan, D. N. Pham, P. Mursanto, D. Lukose). Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 17-19, 2023. LNCS, 3 Vol.14325, 14326, and14327, Springer, 2023
  2. Trends in Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2021, with D. N. Pham, T. Theeramunkong, G. Governatori). Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 8-12, 2021. LNCS Vol. 13031, 13032, and 13033, Springer, 2021
  3. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 15th International Conference, DEON 2020/2021 (with A. Marra, P. Portner, and F. Van De Putte), College Publications, London, 2021
  4. Monotonicity in Logic and Language - Proceedings of the Second Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language and Meaning (with D. Deng, M. Liu, D. Westerstahl). Beijing, China. Springer, 2020
  5. Knowledge, Proof and Games, Post-Proceedings of the 4th Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (with H. Ono and J. Yu). Logic in Asia Series, Springer Nature: Singapore, 2020
  6. Proceedings of the 14th and 15th Asian Logic Conferences (with B. Kim, J. Brendle, G . Lee, R. Ramanujam, S. Srivastava, A. Tsuboi, L. Yu). World Scientific, 2019
  7. The History of Logic in China: 5 Questions (with J. Seligman). Copenhagen: Automatic Press, 2015
  8. Logic Across the University, Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of Tsinghua Logic Conference (with J. van Benthem). College Publications, London, Studies in Logic Vol. 47, 2013

Edited Special Issues

  1. Reasoning in Social Settings (with B. Liao), Journal of Logic and Computation, Special Issue. Vol. 31, No.4, 2021
  2. Logic and AI in China (with K. Su), Minds and Machines, Special Issue. Vol. 23, No.3, 2013
  3. The History of Logic in China (with J. Seligman and J. van Benthem), Studies in Logic, Special Issue. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2011
  4. Advances in Belief Dynamics (with O. Roy), Synthese, Special Issue. Vol. 173, No. 2, 2010
  5. LORI Special Issue (with F. Veltman, M. Xiong), Synthese, Vol. 165, No. 2, 2008

Journal Articles

  1. A Simple Logic of the Hide and Seek Game, Studia Logica, 111(5): 821-853, 2023 (with with D. Li, S. Ghosh and Y. Tu)
  2. Ten-Year History of Social Network Logics in China, Asian Studies, 10(2), 121-146, 2022 (with D. Li)
  3. Reasoning in Social Settings. Journal of Logic and Computation, 31(4): 1023-1025, 2021 (with B. Liao)
  4. The Inference Pattern Mou in Mohist Logic - A monotonicity reasoning view. Roczniki Filozoficzne (Annals of Philosophy), No. 4, pp.105-117, 2020 (with Z. Sun)
  5. A Third Way of Studying Preference: Between Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Journal of Zhejiang University, Issue 5, pp. 63-70, 2020 (with X. Fu, in Chinese)
  6. Interaction between Graph Game Design and Modal Logics. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). Vol. 34, No. 2, pp.131-139, 2019 (with J. van Benthem, in Chinese)
  7. Efficient Minimal Preference Change. Journal of Logic and Computation. 28(8): 1715-1733, 2018 (with N. Alechina and B. Logan)
  8. Reasoning and Making Predictions about Agent's Behaviors in Social Networks. Journal of Jinan, No.12, pp. 1-8, 2018 (with J. Seligman, in Chinese)
  9. A Dynamic-Logical Characterization of Solutions to Sight-limited Extensive Games. Fundamenta Informaticae, 158(1-3): 149-169, 2018 (with C. Liu and K. Su)
  10. A Logical Study of Social Network Structure and Dynamics of Agent's Knowledge, Philosophical Research, No.1, pp. 121-126, 2016 (in Chinese)
  11. A Logical Characterization of Extensive Games with Short Sight. Theoretical Computer Science, 612: 63-82, 2016 (with C. Liu, K. Su, and E. Zhu)
  12. Some Issues Concerning Belief Revision in Social Networks, Philosophical Trends, No.3, pp. 84-89, 2015 (in Chineese)
  13. Deontic Logic and Changing Preference, IFCOLOG Journal of Logics and their Applications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.1- 46, 2014 (with J. van Benthem)
  14. Preference Dynamics in Games with Short Sight. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 493-501, 2014 (with C. Liu, E. Zhu, and K. Su)
  15. Priority Structures in Deontic Logic. Theoria, 80(2): 116-152, 2014 (with J. van Benthem and D. Grossi)
  16. Logical Dynamics of Belief Change in the Community. Synthese, Vol.191, Issue 11, pp. 2403-2431, 2014 (with J. Seligman and P. Girard)
  17. Where is Logic Going. Studies in Logic, Vol.7, No.1 pp. 84-99, 2014 (with J. van Benthem)
  18. Epistemic Closure and Skepticism. Philosophical Trends, No. 8, pp.91-98, 2013 (with C. Shi, in Chinese)
  19. Reasoning about Agent Types and the hardest logic puzzle ever. Minds and Machines, 23(1): 123-161, 2013 (with Y. Wang)
  20. A Logical Model of Context. Studies in Logic, No. 4, pp.1-10, 2012 (in Chinese)
  21. A Two-Level Perspective on Preference. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 40(3): 421-439, 2011
  22. Models of Reasoning in Ancient China. Studies in Logic, 4(3): 57-81, 2011 (with J. Seligman and J. van Benthem)
  23. Prioritized Imperatives and Conflicting Norms. European Journal of Analytic Philosophy: Imperatives and Philosophy, 7(2): 35-58, 2011(with F. Ju)
  24. Doxastic Preference Logic over Propositions. Philosophical Research, No.3, pp. 103-109, 2010 (in Chinese)
  25. Doxastic Preference Logic: From Single Agent to Multi-Agent Case. Academic Studies, No.5, pp. 27-32, 2010 (in Chinese)
  26. New Perspectives on Moist Logic. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 37(4): 605-621, 2010 (with J. Zhang)
  27. A Brief History of Chinese Logic. Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol 27, No.1, pp. 101-126, 2010 (with W. Yang)
  28. Von Wright's "The Logic of Preference" Revisited. Synthese, Vol 175, No. 1, pp. 69-88, 2010
  29. Diversity of Agents and their Interaction. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 23-53, 2009
  30. Preference Change: A Quantitative Approach. Studies in Logic, 2(3): 12-27, 2009
  31. Modelling Simultaneous Games in Dynamic Logic. Synthese, Vol.165, No.2, pp. 247-268, 2008 (with J. van Benthem and S. Ghosh)
  32. Dynamic Logic of Preference Upgrade. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic, Vol.17, No.2, pp.157-182, 2007 (with J. van Benthem)
  33. Analysis of 'Bai Ma Fei Ma' from the Perspective of Mathematical Logic. Journal of Shanxi University, No.3, 1997 (in Chinese)

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